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What Does "Best For the World" Mean?
Mark Abrials avatar
Written by Mark Abrials
Updated over a week ago

We’re thrilled and completely humbled that B Corp recognized Avocado as one of their “Best For the World” companies. The distinction acknowledges that out of 5,000 Certified B Corporations worldwide, we are among the top five percent of all B Corp companies in the Community Impact category for our robust charitable giving and sustainability programs.

So, what does this mean?

Passing the rigorous B Impact Assessment to qualify as a Certified B Corporation is difficult. Most companies don’t pass. Only 5,000 companies worldwide, across 70 countries and 150 industries, are Certified B Corps. A company needs 80 points to become a B Corp. A median score for an ordinary business is 50.9 points. Avocado achieved 126.2 points when we assessed it in May 2020 (we’ll reapply in May 2023).

By recognizing Avocado as one of their “Best For the World” companies, B Corp acknowledges we’re in the top 5% of all B Corp companies in their community category.

Why does B Corp matter?

B Corp is the gold standard for accountability in balancing purpose and profit. Certified B Corps are better for people, workers, and the planet because the designation demands they develop policies to create a more sustainable and inclusive economy.

What does the community category mean exactly?

B Corp scores their applicants in five categories: governance, workers, environment, community, and customers. We scored well in the community because of our commitment to 1% for the Planet and our transformative mattress donation program. According to B Corp, our company is a top performer in contributing to the economic and social well-being of the communities in which we operate. Through our exemplary practices and policies directed at community impact, we're building shared, sustainable prosperity for all.

Where do we go from here?

We’re incredibly humbled by the announcement because we know that, as a company, we still have a lot of work to do. We’re due to retake the B Impact Assessment next year, and our goal is to improve our scores across all the categories, particularly the ones where we have the most room for improvement.

You can explore our impact page here if you have more questions about our B Corp Scores.

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