Our mattresses can be used with a foundation (in fact, we sell one that pairs nicely). So why does the law label on our mattress contain a box that clearly says, "This Mattress Is Intended To Be Used Without a Foundation"?
The label has to do with flammability test requirements. The 16 VFR 1633 flammability standard for mattress sets has two ways of testing — either with or without a foundation. Because foundations are optional on our mattress, we did our flammability test with just the mattress.
So the legally required disclaimer, based on federal standards, notes that we tested it without the foundation. We do not control, nor can we edit, that language, which is required after regulations went into place in 2007. We agree that it's confusing — mainly since most mattresses are now sold without foundations — but rest assured, our mattress will work perfectly well with a foundation.